

… Having a wonderful time* in the summer of zero-nine(1).

I hopefully finish every of my x-ams by June (and I would also like not to fail).

I will welcome this season by singing Sur le pont d’Avignon (yep, I’ll dance, as well).

I’m planning working from July to August on the melon fields, but I’m not sure about this seasonal occupation; however money is needed under whatever circumstances. It can happen – who knows! – that I’ll end up on an ocean liner as animator or pianist (although I really don’t know what those black dots on a sheet stand for).

All I know is that I will learn as much as I can, s-pecially psychology (and anatomy). As for parties, I don’t believe I will have any. I have them during school year, so Summer – on the first place – is for me, and for my maimed family.

Oh, and Ah don’wanna miss observing the starry sky (particularly during the period of shooting stars). I’ll be lying and listening to piano music of Debussy, Joplin, and soundtracks of Hot Bubblegum (that means music of the ‘50-‘60-‘70s). That's how I'll be contemplating... Good night Summer, good night Love(2).

I'll be also getting closer to Death. But yes, I’m still looking for the Summer (3).

* refering to Tiny Tim's song

(1) refering to Bryan Adams' Summer of '69

(2) Baby Sisters' song xD (and also a novel or whatever)

(3) Chris Rea's song



I whipped up a writing using the expressions that you can see below.

Like a mosquito I whisked off a girl. I must admit that she was really on the top of that certain scale but that loving mechanism wouldn't work in me. So I missed the opportunity (or to better say I threw it away) to have a nice girlfriend.

As I later got know she had a vast web of friends who - I can't describe them with more convenient words - were worshippers of the Evil... After this bit of information I was really astonished. You can imagine how deeply if I tell you that I first saw her in a church next to the priest as an alter-server. Then suddenly I started to think of things like voo-doo dolls and spells cast on me during arcane rituals... Yes, I should have dealt with the aftermath of this "break up". What a hindsight! But my fear doesn't lead me to put things right between she and me, and by no means I would coil a rope around my neck. I would never commit suicide.

All in all, I will try to understand her duality by taking into consideration a potential talk with her. And, who knows, we may end up as a couple.