

I whipped up a writing using the expressions that you can see below.

Like a mosquito I whisked off a girl. I must admit that she was really on the top of that certain scale but that loving mechanism wouldn't work in me. So I missed the opportunity (or to better say I threw it away) to have a nice girlfriend.

As I later got know she had a vast web of friends who - I can't describe them with more convenient words - were worshippers of the Evil... After this bit of information I was really astonished. You can imagine how deeply if I tell you that I first saw her in a church next to the priest as an alter-server. Then suddenly I started to think of things like voo-doo dolls and spells cast on me during arcane rituals... Yes, I should have dealt with the aftermath of this "break up". What a hindsight! But my fear doesn't lead me to put things right between she and me, and by no means I would coil a rope around my neck. I would never commit suicide.

All in all, I will try to understand her duality by taking into consideration a potential talk with her. And, who knows, we may end up as a couple.

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