

I wrote a few points. I think, they form the basis of human relationships for they are the essential features of a cultivated man/woman. It's from my own experience but you may agree with some thoughts of this entry. Well, this list can be developed - on the one hand by your comments...

First of all we should respect our fellow-being in the following aspects:
accept the fact that he might like another style in clothing, film, music, book, and that he is interested in other activities. Furthermore we must accept the deviance of his way of life: he like alcohol (so he is alcoholic), he is drug/Internet-addict, he is homo/bi/etc-sexual.

These were the first steps. And now, let me propose what attitude you should take on when you find yourself facing a person unsympathetic for you. Do not quarrel, instead of it just argue: while the former demands rough tongue (which is not a characteristic of a cultivated mind) the latter is free of emotion, it is more or less calm without hurting our partner. And I also like to advert briefly to an up-to-date habit: a wise man does not participate in demonstrations without enough knowledge about both sides.

In the light of these points I have to accept if someone's mind works differently. :)

That's all folks!


  1. So maybe these ideas are not rules as much as they are attitudes? Do you think there can be strict rules for culture and society?

  2. What can be a rule or an attitude? There exist "the rules of good form" which are the standards of the attitude (in a given culture). Or isn't it that? Of course, what you said in this theme is OK, the word "rules" is only the title for me (I couldn't find better). Strict rules were written for a well known and hated society during their pilgrimage...
