

It came to pass that I wound up with my parents in the cinema.

Father's last experience about cinema is back in the years of his youth. So after watching the movie he praised the sound system and the wide screen. But even the moving picture didn't let him be untouched. Partly because it was about the era of his childhood. So the music and love affairs of the film, as well as politics, might have brought up some memories for him.

It was rock 'n rolling. I take the liberty to call it "the Hungarian Grease".

Sure you know or at least you have heard about it. Originally it is a play that can be seen in a theater of the capital city but a director screened it and now enjoyable in 5.1 (I mean the music... the visual content is still in 2D - unlike in theater).

Starring: my first impression was that he was a Tobey Maguire-like guy (Tobey as in the film Pleasantville) but probably I meant it because of their hairstyle (and I also have to admit that my face-recognition-system has some bugs...). This guy is Tamás Szabó Kimmel.

And now, here's a short description of the movie: ... music, music, music as the most important actor of the film is partly (a little part) in English but the best known Hungária hits (like "Kisser king" or "Roll on up the rug tonight") are also involved. By these great works it tries to depict the circumstances of the birth of the greatest hungarian rock 'n' roll band with the leadership of a man who had experienced the american way of life. The man "without who there's no Christmas".

While we were coming out of the projection room my parents - as a remark on one of my comment - said how strict the system was in those times: one could not say whatever. All I could reply is "Yea, I know". After those great Hungarian comedies (Csinibaba, Csocsó, ...) after the jokes of Géza Hofi and after historical documentations, too - I know what "the West" meant, what was that so called "Show What You Know" and the words "sabotage" and "espionage".

The film was Made in Hungária (ironically a Beatless song came to my mind: Back to the USSR)


  1. Oh my good, this is the first time I chechk your blog...OMG...this orange color....ahhh... I am sorry, I just couldn't read your blog...this orange color is awful :) sorry to say this...I don't wanna hurt you, but the text hurts my eyes :D

  2. And how is the music of the movie? Any good?

  3. I haven't yet seen the movie, but a good friend of mine saw it... three or four times in one week, so it must be good. And I saw the trailer somewhere and the music is... yeees, the music is good! :)
