

(!not corrected version!)


Sétatér on a March morning. I was contemplating on a bench, watching people walking by. I caught sight of a woman of about 65 years. She was walking a dog. This pet stopped to satisfy its needs. In a few seconds a great pile of hot chocolate was smiling at the passers-by, but by that time they, the woman and the dog had disappeared. Instead of them, flies started to come into view to clear away the excrement.


How nice weather we had in March! I was enjoying the sunshine on a bench of Sétatér when, you’ll never guess what happened! An old woman! Her dog! I could hardly believe my eyes when the gentile, old woman let the product of her pet lying on the street. What a shame! It was incredible! Not talking about that brown mass and the flies!


Everything was so foggy that I could only hear people’s chat and the birds’ songs, all mixed in my ears with the pulsation of blood in my veins. Then I saw yelp and knocks of shoes and smell of naphthalene. Suddenly, I heard brownness and those beating voices disappeared. All I can remember after that is the buzz of flies.


Early morning, 08:23’43” GMT, 23th March 2009, sitting on the first pew (or bench) right to the stairs of Sétatér, Pécs (46°04’39.70” N; 18°13’26.69” E). A lady, experienced exactly 63 years + 3 months + 2 days + 11 hours, walking with a 2 years and 83 days old golden retriever (RAL color code: 8001) with the velocity of 0.8 m/s. Right in front of me the dog stopped and started to take up a position as if it would have let something out from its body. Its product, you know, is a sort of transformed food (RAL color code: 8017) of 4cm3. The lady took a look at it for 2 seconds and passed by, dragging her dog with the force of 50 N. In 2.5 minutes flies (Musca domestica) started to appear on the scene.


I’m not sure about that but it seems to me that it was in… or in… No, no, it must have been March. And it was morning, or could it be the late afternoon? I remember the position of the Sun, so let me claim that it was morning. Then I was in… School? Maybe. More likely I was in the street, near to a sort of church… let me see… I was in Sétatér. I was walking to school… or rather I had no course that day… or I had but I played the wag. All in all, I was in Sétatér on a March morning. And… what I’d like to tell, it has something to do with dogs. Barking? Animal protection? Friendship? Dirt, perhaps? There was an old (wo)man with a dog, yes, that’s right: a lady with a dog. I was passing next to them… ??? … or I rather think that I was sitting. No doubt. Then the dog, er, sniffed me? Or a tree? Rather, it dropped a brown… yellow? Brown, for I remember flying animals coming down to it… flies they must have been.

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